Hot Summer in the City is a 1976 adult film by director Gail Palmer aka "The Hare". The film is a co-production of Imperial Films with Palmer's HARE Films. It is the story of a White girl who is abducted by a group of Black men.
Hot Summer in the City features Playmate of the Year 1967, Lisa Baker in her first and only film, as Debby the lead role. The film is classified as a classical roughie with its depiction of sexual violence on females. It also employs many of the popular blaxploitation themes of the period. Throughout the film the radio plays songs by Robert Knight, The Beach Boys, The Supremes, The Four Tops, The Doors, and The Shangri-Las, while Summer in the City is used as the theme song.
In the first rape scene Debby is raped from behind in the car. The scene has long introduction, from her kidnapping to leading her in their flat. Very good fuck scene.